Travel is always the goal, however, it can seem like a tall order when frequency is the desire. While planning is key, capitalizing on OPPORTUNITY may be the ticket to becoming your your own #travelgoals! The opportunity we will be discussing is business travel. Whether solo or choosing to pack your family, creating experience within the parameters of the “necessary” work flow, can easily unlock half-price (or more!) vacations.
Why "2fer" work trips?
Adding some fun to work travel can reduce daily stress while adding gainful experiences that create memories to last a lifetime, all while maximizing your time away. Making plans to see all a city or country has to offer expands your horizons and breathes new life into your wonder; which should never die. Aren't we all more productive when the rewards are tangible and expedited? Expanding your work trip is a decision that does require proper planning and time management, but you'll definitely be winning by the end of the trip.
How does travel work with family?
PLANNING is your blueprint for making it happen with a group in tow. Letting your family know as soon as possible is a big key in booking flight deals and creating picture-worthy itineraries that make the most of time spent. If you are taking children, keep their school calendar nearby to plan and reduce missed days at school. ** Later flights my be ideal for squeezing in a getaway without missing school. Did you know: Checking your child out after 11 am ensures they are counted present for the day? That's one less day they have to fake a questionable sniffle, ha, ha!!

What are the benefits?
THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT, Right here!!!! Per Diems cover a large portion (or all) of food costs, accommodation allowances cover your room with a view and it's once less ticket you must purchase should you choose to travel with family or a plus one! Tips that work:
If traveling with others and desire to ensure seats are together (but booking in a work portal), sit together and book/select seats simultaneously. **be sure to add your frequent flyer. (we need all our points!)
Create a food plan that fits within the boundaries of your daily allowance (per diem). **have receipts printed separately (you'll thank me for this one!).
Choose the most spacious room option available and book as early as possible to get the best room selections. **if there's flexibility in where you stay, research the area and find hotels close for work needs but provide better access to entertainment if able.
What activities a good for "boring" destinations?
food tours
museums and cultural exhibits
visit local markets and the city's downtown area (this will often yield the most eclectic experience available)
Rent a bike or take unique transportation

How do I find time for non-work activities during my stay?
Research your destination before departure.
Look up restaurants, venues unique to the destination and what has the locals chatting.
Make a conscious effort to rise early daily and have a fun pit-stop at day end.
Choose a hotel with a spa, unique and/or familiar activities and great dining onsite to elevate you relaxation and enjoyment.
Preplan an activity with co-workers as team -building and gain a few more hours of fun!
You can work hard and play hard, too. Fullness in your experiences yields added fulfillment in daily life and creates the NECESSARY boundaries for a healthy work-life balance. If you are fortunate to have travel as a work demand, use it to it's fullest!