Happy back-to-school everyone! It's a fast-paced time full of excitement and TONS. OF. PAPERWORK. If you registering at a new school or your child is new to the school experience all together, it can be frustrating gathering the necessary documents and meeting deadline for registration. I'm outlining all the bullet points that have gotten me through thus far. I follow a consistent checklist to avoid not having all that I need and you can, too! These are the "need to knows" when starting the school year and being a registration champ!
Pre-Registration Prep
Start during the Summer with your prep for the upcoming year. Before the kids leave school prior to Summer break, get forms such as medication authorizations, asp forms and any other forms that pertain to your family. If you have Summer-born children, getting mediation forms filled out during their yearly well-check can help in getting forms prepared in a timely manner as they can fill them out while your family is there. Get all of your needed prescriptions and sports forms filled out as well. Regardless of when your child's birthday is, getting an updated 3300 health form EVERY time you visit the doctor and/or dentist ensures you will never be turned away during registration due to expired forms. A 3300 form is valid a year from the date it was printed and that is the rules the school systems go by; even if its not a immunization year. Go ahead and fill out ASP forms prior to meet and greet to avoid crowds and lost paperwork.

School administration is always vague about what all is actually required. Even with all they ask for, it seems like there's stipulations in the stipulations, lol. They are going to ask, might as well be prepared. Here are items DEFINTELY needed EVERY time you register:
State issued I.D. or Drivers License
Rental Agreement or Mortgage Verification
Utility Bills: Bills should list the current address and should be in the category of water, electricity or gas.
Current Health Form (3300): Immunizations and Dental must both be verified on sheet
Info from previous school including fax numbers and administration phone numbers (if applicable)
Signed Withdrawal forms from previous school (if applicable)
Original Birth Certificate and Social Security card

In the Swing: School Choice
So, you've gotten through registration and the minis have started school. You are loving the transition but desire a different educational experience than what they are received at the school their zoned for...ugh. For those who don't know, All hope is not lost! Yes, you will likely have to stick it out through the duration of the school year but in Georgia counties, you have an opportunity to choose a desired school in your county for the next year. Yes!! It's called school choice. Registration takes place between January-February for all counties (exact dates differ for each county). Do your research and gather your list of your top 3. Once you've gathered your desired schools, apply within the allotted time. The earlier, the better! For now, chances are high that you will get your first choice as many aren't aware of the program ( I guess I just let the cat out of the bag, lol...ah well, to the point, HURRY!). Per program guidelines, your child can go to that school through the highest grade level without re-registering. Attendance and transportation are a big part of your approval, so choose wisely and find a school you can commit to driving your child to and be punctual in doing so.
I'm all about simplifying and organizing life and I truly hope this helps cross this task in #parenting off the list! Have a great school year everyone!