She's got that "Booty-do", ha, ha!!! I am less than 72 days from meeting our newest little princess! Honestly, I'm still in complete shock and have prepared absolutely nothing. I know, don't judge me! In true Guru fashion, these next few weeks will be dedicated to "The Prep".
This last year has been quite the roller coaster as I've basically started all over! This pregnancy has been drastically interesting and I stand by the sentiment that "pregnancy in our 30's is VERY different than being pregnant in your 20's". You all, I feel everything... creeky joints, extreme fatigue and the moodiest I've ever been! Thankfully, I've experienced very little morning sickness and have passed all tests with flying colors. For now, my face is still pretty much intact (key words "for now") and I've stood solid with a 1lb weight gain thus far. I'm definitely getting bigger but I believe the weight is simply redistributing. The scale just hasn't moved. My highlights and low lights are definitely worth the mention because, well... I'm #inthehomestretch !
Greedy Grabs
There are none and I could just cry. When I found out I was pregnant, I was so excited to have a few "stuff my face" moments and eat a few things I was actively trying to steer clear of. Well, this baby (up to this point) is having NONE of that!!! I haven't been able to enjoy a greasy burger and fries or a nutty hummingbird cake slice with extra cream cheese icing yet. I know I will be on the #SummerShred in efforts to get Summertime fine when she arrives, so my "fatty" time is now!! I have so much heartburn and everything feels as though it sits in my throat. Foodie fun is a goal. I just want to live on the wild side, lol. Maybe towards the end, ugh.
Panties are a past time, ha, ha!! It's tmi but my truth. My body is undergoing so many changes and I can't even do it. A story in true "me" fashion: I stumbled across some cute undies and decided to put them on in efforts to feel some level of normalcy. Well, after a few tugs, they were on! By the time I got to the mirror to view that "hottie" side profile, lol, they rolled up so tight and basically disappeared. I could do nothing but laugh. They didn't even stand a chance. I'm choosing the easy route, to go without, for these final couple of weeks.
Belly Love
I have now become "the belly". The hubs and kids give so much love to the belly and I'm just here, ha, ha! Sure, they love me, but it's all about the belly at the German residence. They read to the belly, laugh with the belly and even sing to the belly. Everyone touches me belly first. They are so excited and have completely emersed themselves into anticipation for the new princess. Who knew this would bring so much excitement.
"Girl...You look due!!"
...is what Joshua said to me one day. "Babe, your neck is getting darker", is what Stephen said last week. Bailey asked, "Why does is seem like the rest of your body is disappearing?!" You all, I can't make this stuff up. They are all so animated and it makes me laugh so hard because I can never expect what will come next. While some days, I'm not in the mood and feel like I'm beyond ready for my body back, their comedic relief keeps me balanced. "Do I look fat in this?" is a normal question I have when getting dressed these days and everyone simultaneously answers, "You're pregnant...and beautiful" in a redemptive tone for earlier jokes. I think I'll keep them : )
Forever Winded
You would never know I try to stay active by how hard I breath just walking from the parking lot to the grocery store entrance. I am constantly out of breath! This is one of the most noticeable differences with this pregnancy over the others. Previously, I could climb a mountain in 4" heels with a 10lb. purse and not even break a sweat...WHILE PREGNANT. Now, I'll be lucky if I get dressed in a timely manner before having given up due to exhaustion, lol!! Baby girl is super active and that sometimes knocks the wind out of me. Being close to the end is what keeps me going...It's the little things, lol.
Gratitude is the Constant Attitude
I feel very blessed and fortunate to be in good health and able to carry our child. The crazy symptoms are plenty but so is the love, perseverance and excitement. I feel very fortunate to experience pregnancy through my children's eyes now that they are old enough to understand more. I love how proud and protective they are already about their sister. I feel great being able to experience a planned pregnancy for the first time ever and consciously being in the moment. Side note: I am eternally thankful for Blanqi leggings ( pictured above and on "latest crush"). They have been a life saver and I live in them!
I look forward to a wonderful delivery!